Sunday, January 27, 2008

Some of CUA's Incredible Alumni....

Julia Struckley '03 (blue) is a postulant for the Daughters of St Paul, Liz Sondag (black) '06 is a postulant for the Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George. Br Daniel Dougherty, OP '01 aRonny O'Dwyer SJ '05. We also got a picture with the Archbishop Burke who graduated BA in '70 and license in '71.

Please keep them in your prayers...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Pokey and Ryan and the picture (Enough said)

Ryan Hehman is working at Simple House a Catholic advocacy group in DC with works with the poor. They do incredible work with next to nothing and live in community. Pokey Tenney is teaching and helping with Campus Ministry at St. Vincent Palotti High School in Laurel MD. When he talks about his job he talks about it with passion and a smile. I had a wonderful evening with them the other night.

As far as the picture goes... it's Pokey and Ryan.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Sally Oram engaged to be married on June 14th, 2008

Hi Fr. Bob Louie Santellano and I will be married June 14th, 2008... Sally Oram soon to be Sally Santellano... :)

Dan Dougherty OP

Bro. Dougherty stopped by over the break with his Sister Kathryn who is a Third Year law student at CUA. Dan is studying for the Priesthood as a Dominican Friar and is about 5 years from ordination. I can't remember what year he graduated in

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Erica Dietrich and Mattt Spierenburg Class of 2006

(If you click on the picture it gets really big)

I was happy to see Erica and Matt at the Basketball game today. They are engaged to be married this April. Erica is working on a project which will get rid of Mustard Gas for the Government and Matt works for some Navel Research Facility. He told me what he did but I didn't understand it something about radiation I think. It was great to see them and I'm so happy that they are both doing well. They hope to stay in the Washington area. (Two more success stories)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Marie Jochum Marie Jochum and Sarah Parmeter Sara Parmeter

Last night I went out for a walk with Fr. O'Connell and there was this suspicious car parked next the the Shrine with Illinois plates (always be aware of your surroundings Safety first Safety always) and I glanced over to see if the occupants were going jump out and mug me and low and behold there was Marie Jochum and Sarah Parmenter both of them are the class of 2004 I think. I didn't have my camera with me so I found these pictures from the past to refresh you memory sorry ladies. They are both working and in Grad School doing wonderful things with their lives. Marie works for Catholic Charities in Chicago and Sarah finished volunteering with Bethlehem House here in DC and is now in Grad school outside of Worcester MA. Just two reasons out of thousands why I am so proud of our CUA graduates.

You are Incredible people indeed.